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CRD is intended to be used when malware embeds itself so deeply into your system that regular AV software cannot remove it. You must continuously work at it and continue to show them how you improve the environment with every image release or upgrade you perform.

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Software-defined networking has made this easier than ever so there is no reason why you shouldn’t be doing this. Make sure to understand traffic management and throughput. A single virtual desktop session can do 6 Mbps bursting up to 15 Mbps at times easily these days. 20 years ago remoting protocols used much less but these days there is so much more rich data we are delivering over the wire and bandwidth is more readily available. Make sure all the hops and appliances that you have visibility and control over can handle this and ensure there are alerting thresholds set.

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This means this data needs to be extracted from the virtual desktop session in pretty much real-time or it any indicators of compromise can be gone forever. Use ControlUp Insights session waterfall to understand what a user is doing in a session. Use Ivanti Application Control to track process execution and risky behavior. Use Citrix Analytics or Workspace ONE Intelligence to get this data crunched and pushed to a SIEM. As I said about East-West traffic within your datacenter, you need to segment your regular infrastructure servers separately from EUC workloads from VDI and SBC since those systems have end users logging into them. An operating system is not the definition of what VLAN it goes on. The workload that goes on it defines what VLAN it should go on.

  • You then use Cameyo to record the installation of an app within that virtual machine.
  • Portable apps are either made by the company that owns the full installable software, or by a developer who has the owner’s blessing to make a portable version.
  • Some portable apps have an ‘installer’, but don’t worry – this just unzips a compressed file archive and saves the extracted files to a location of your choice; it doesn’t make any changes to your system files.
  • Instead of running an entire virtual machine from your portable drive, you create a virtual machine on your desktop system.
  • Keep them close to hand and never be without your favorite programs again.

Simple for the end-user to understand whether they have 1 virtual app and 1 virtual desktop or 50 virtual apps and 5 virtual desktops. Your naming convention should scale no matter what kind of user logs into your workspace portal. Non-persistent VDI or SBC is a different beast because once you reboot everything is set back to a clean slate. Most companies don’t realize they needed to be logging things until after a security incident and they are asked to provide logs to a response team. An incident response team can’t run something like FTK or Live Response Collection on a system to gather volatile data that doesn’t exist anymore. To be successful with VDI you will want to empower your SOC with rich data that can help build a big picture.

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Especially during BCP events for example when VDI is heavily used in organizations. Realize VM is from a master image and not scan those already scanned areas across 1,000s of machines needlessly. This can kill your VDI environment locking up your host resources. It needs to be able to cache scan results and share among all 1,000s of virtual desktops. Anti-virus, malware, and other endpoint threat management need to be VDI aware.

Internal marketing can help find new use cases for your VDI environment. It can also help keep negative press down from a department they may have had a bad experience with VDI at some point in time or even at another company. People are more inclined to give you honest feedback on things that are in front of them so always have VDI marketing in front of them. Intranet updates, posters in the elevators and halls, placards/standees on conference room desks, white-glove training for executives or entire business departments periodically, etc.

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